selene wines

another thing that's been keeping my spirit going these very cold weeks: a few bottles of Selene Sauvignon Blanc in my fridge!

i fell in love with the wine at the french laundry in napa late last year. if i could relive a few minutes of my trip, i might choose those moments between my first sip of the Selene and my last bite of the famous oyster+pearls.

when i got back to new york, i picked up a bottle at sherry-lehmann just to make sure i hadn't just been fooled by the food and atmosphere. thankfully, it still tasted fabulous, even in my rinky dink apartment in astoria. so i had a few bottles shipped from the winery.

they use sauvignon blanc musque, which is highly aromatic and much more intense than the grassy or herbaceous kind. the wine reminds me a bit of a lovely quincy i had along with some oysters in paris many, many years ago with my good friend hidemi. it reminds me of why i love wine.