so i'd been saving this bottle for when she finishes breast-feeding, which should be in a few months' time. well, i should say i was, until the other night. not to self: don't try picking out wine in the dark, especially between taking off contact lenses and putting on glasses.
when i realized my mistake my immediate thought was, "well, with those hot summers it's probably gone bad..." i must regretfully inform my sister, it had not: beautiful aroma of berries and tobacco, slightly sour but in a mellow, natural sort of way, like fresh cherries. i had imagined something quite exotic and spicy but it's more of an old world beauty. ****four stars
i went back to the old wine store this morning. a new generation is now in control of management, making the place more organized. they've even installed an online tracking+ordering system. prices are generally a bit lower than in manhattan, but now you never find a totally random, over- or under-priced bottle. so the chateau musar red now costs around $45, same as elsewhere and nearly double what the old man thought it was worth. perhaps the unrest of the past few years added to the cost. a very knowledgeable salesman tried to console me, saying the 1999 vintage is "even better" than the 1997. i'm tempted to see for myself, but maybe i should keep this one in the deepest corner of my cupboard.