i travelled to the bay area this week for work, and gave myself the weekend to be a tourist. what can i say? it's beautiful! and after weeks of sticky heat in new york, the northern california weather was such a treat. i did get some typical san francisco fog for a few hours every morning while i was there, but by noon the air was crisp and the sky a bright blue.
and here is the ferry building where they have a farmer's market every weekend.

i wandered around on saturday morning for a few hours, sampling great cheese and wine before sitting down for a nice lunch at the slanted door, which my colleague eric recommended. i've always held a deep suspicion of asian "fusion" cuisine, i think for good reason, but the food here was quite good. the wine list was pretty impressive too. the tourist in me would have preferred to see more californian wines represented, but it was a good show of the buyer's smart and quirky taste. and it was nice to have a view of the bay, even with a heavy mist hovering over it.
after lunch, i walked back to my hotel on nob hill, my arms loaded with "cal red" peaches, grapes, bread and cheese. when i climbed to the corner of california and geary and turned around, i discovered the fog had lifted. the entire bay had suddenly come to life, as if by magic, sparkling with little waves and white sailboats.
so, can someone please remind me what's so great about new york?