my parents lived overseas for years, and didn't visit home for the first five. my grandparents came to see us several times, but other than that, my family didn't have much contact with japan. the main reason was probably cost, but they also had a strong sense of immersing themselves wherever they went, embracing life in a new country rather than dwelling on things they're missing.
while i admire that attitude, travel is so much easier these days, and i've discovered that going back to japan helps me stay emotionally healthy. there's something reassuring in knowing that i can see my parents whenever i want, and that a perfect bowl of soba is just a flight away, albeit a very long one.

that and 6 weeks of a graveyard shift are my excuses for going home to tokyo so soon after my september visit.
my parents like to spend weekends out of the city, and they took me to hatsushima, a tiny island off atami.
i wasn't really expecting much, but there were some amazing sights. the beaches were lined with japanese pine trees, and i enjoyed some early cherry blossom viewing. and we were blessed with gorgeous weather, as you can see.
and as usual, it was great to go out with friends. i even got to catch up with a classmate i hadn't seen in nearly 20 years! and how lucky am i that it was the perfect season for oden?
hanpen and other stewed goodies at konakara: